Orient Express - 1985


Orient Express is a crime fiction board game published by Jumbo and Just Games, inspired by Agatha Christie's 1934 novel, Murder on the Orient Express.

Designed by Jeff Smets and released in 1985, this murder mystery game requires players to collect clues from various train compartments within a limited time before the train reaches its destination. Unlike traditional games, the solution is never completely certain; players must make logical assumptions to identify the killer, who varies with each game based on different prewritten murder cases.

1 - 6 Players 

Please note, that the board for this game is very large, we were only able to photograph it folded up, but it is immaculate. 


Excellent condition, it includes all of the original playing pieces, counters, plot sheets and only one character card has been separated but is still included. It is as if this game was never even played (even though it's a good one). Grade 1+ under the Hoyles Vintage Grading System.