Real Canasta Cards - 1952.


Canasta is a card game of the Rummy family which is believed to have been invented in the old Jockey Club of Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1947. By 1948 it was exceedingly popular in the fashionable clubs of Argentina and from there it spread to the rest of South America. In 1949 it was introduced into the USA where it quickly became the most popular card game before being knocked off the top place by contract bridge. The word “Canasta” is Spanish, meaning “basket”.

This is a Waddington’s “Real Canasta” set, patented by Cobianchi in February 1951, the patent being granted in January 1952, also includes an official rules booklet and unused score sheets. Specially manufactured for the game of Canasta only, having black and red spots in place of normal suit values.


Box is play worn but all the contents are intact and there are plenty of score sheets left that haven't been used. Grade 2 under the Hoyles Vintage Grading System (see here).