Thunderbirds - 1966


A Waddington's 1966 original Thunderbirds board game based off the very first tv show. 

A struggle between International Rescue & The Hood, who is constantly trying to destroy aircraft in widely separated places throughout the world. A new crisis is reported every round of turns & the players, acting as a team, try to reach the 'alarm' points (designated by the 'direction finder' spinner) with their Thunderbirds. They also try to catch the Hood himself.

Every time a Thunderbird lands on a square containing an alarm marker, a 'rescue' is made & the marker is removed from the board. Each time a new alarm marker is placed on the board (at the start of each turn) the figure of The Hood is placed on the board with it (ie the position of The Hood changes at the start of each turn). If a Thunderbird lands on the same square as The Hood, a 'photograph' is collected as evidence of the encounter. There are eight photographs and nine alarm markers. The object of the game is for the Thunderbirds to collect all eight photographs of The Hood before all nine alarm markers are present on the board.


No missing elements and in fantastic condition, Grade 1 under the Hoyle's Vintage Grading System (see here).